Sunday, June 2, 2013

Walk the green mile. - Lodhi Gardens

(The Brunch magazine last week published some fascinating articles about - 10 things you can do on summer morning in Delhi. I've posted these articles at Motley Delhi for the people who do not read the Brunch magazine.) Stay connected for more.

WHAT: Go for a walk in Lodhi gardens, followed by breakfast at Khan market


HISTORY: The question is what makes Lodhi Gardens so spectacular in their incredible history. Spread over 90 acres in the heart of Lutyens' Delhi, it has breathtaking medieval monuments dating back to the 15th century. Created by the British in 1936 (It was called the Lady Wellington Park then), the garden was re-land scaped by American landscape architects Joseph Allen Stein and Garrett Eckbo in 1968.

Delhi is stunning in winter. But summer mornings, as we recently discovered, can take your breath away too.

The roads are almost deserted at dawn. People smile as you walk past them. You reach Lodhi Gardens and sheer; beautiful greenery hits you! It makes you want to pitch a tent and live there. as you jog, run, walk, do Yoga, or just sit quietly by yourself, you can take in the sights - Mohammed Shah's Tomb, Sikander Lodhi's Tomb, Shesh Gumbad and Bara Gumbad. Lodhi Gardens comes alive in the morning, with ducks quaking away in the tiny lake and birds chirping in the trees. Isn't that too amazing?
After a few rounds of the park that could range from two-kilometers to ten-kilometers, head to Khan Market (Literally a stone's throw away) for fresh baked croissants at L'Opera (the patisserie opens at 8am). They're melt-in-your-mouth creations, flanky and gloriously buttery. They're a bit expensive (about Rs.94 each) but it is worth it.
If hot coffee doesn't sound that appetizing, try the chilled pomegranate lemonade, which comes in the quirky old-fashioned glass bottle.

The most stunning setting for a public garden anywhere in the world.

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